Course Content and Outcome Guides (CCOGs)
Course content and outcome guides include all the information for each course, including prerequisites, description, and outcomes.
- ART 102 Understanding the Visual Arts
- ART 211 Modern Art History - 19th Century Art in Europe and America
- ART 212 Modern Art History - Early 20th Century Art
- ART 230 Drawing I
- ART 232 Drawing II - Studio
- ART 252 Ceramics I
- ART 254 Ceramics II - Studio
- ART 269 Printmaking I
- ART 271 Printmaking II - Studio
- ART 280 Painting Basics
- ART 286 Watercolor I
- ART 287 Watercolor II - Studio
- AMT 191 Aviation Maintenance: General 101
- AMT 192 Aviation Maintenance: General 102
- AMT 193 Aviation Maintenance: General 103
- AMT 194A Aviation Maintenance: General 104A
- AMT 194B Aviation Maintenance: General 104B
- AMT 195 Aviation Maintenance: General 105
- AMT 261 Aviation Maintenance: Airframe 1
- AMT 262 Aviation Maintenance: Airframe 2
- AMT 263 Aviation Maintenance: Airframe 3
- AMT 264 Aviation Maintenance: Airframe 4
- AMT 271 Aviation Maintenance: Powerplant 1
- AMT 272 Aviation Maintenance: Powerplant 2
- AMT 273 Aviation Maintenance: Powerplant 3
- AMT 274 Aviation Maintenance: Powerplant 4
- AMT 281 Aviation Maintenance: Airframe Return to Service
- AMT 282 Aviation Maintenance: Powerplant Return to Service
- BI 101 Biology
- BI 121 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- BI 122 Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- BI 141 Habitats: Life of the Forest
- BI 142 Habitats: Marine Biology
- BI 143 Habitats: Fresh Water Biology
- BI 145 Introduction to Fish & Wildlife Conservation and Management
- BI 211 Principles of Biology
- BI 212 Principles of Biology
- BI 213 Principles of Biology
- BI 231 Human Anatomy and Physiology I
- BI 232 Human Anatomy and Physiology II
- BI 233 Human Anatomy and Physiology III
- BI 234 Microbiology
- BA 101Z Introduction to Business
- BA 104 Applied Business Math
- BA 131 Introduction to Business Technology
- BA 150 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- BA 170 Project Management Fundamentals
- BA 205 Business Communication
- BA 206 Management Fundamentals
- BA 207 Introduction to E-Commerce
- BA 208 Business Ethics
- BA 211Z Principles of Financial Accounting
- BA 213Z Principles of Managerial Accounting
- BA 222 Financial Management
- BA 223 Principles of Marketing
- BA 224 Introduction to Human Resource Management
- BA 225 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Law
- BA 226 Business Law I
- BA 228 QuickBooks for Business
- BA 249 Principles of Retailing and E-Tailing
- BA 280A Cooperative Education: Business Experience
- BA 280B Cooperative Education: Business Experience Seminar
- BA 285 Human Relations in Organizations
- BA 296 Entrepreneurship Capstone - Year Two
- CG 101 College Survival and Success: Personal Responsibility
- CG 102 College Survivial and Success: Goal Setting
- CG 103 College Survival and Success: Self Management
- CG 111A Study Skills for College Learning
- CG 111C Study Skills for College Learning
- CG 114 Financial Survival for College Students
- CG 130 Today's Careers
- CG 140B Career and Life Planning
- CG 160 Credit for Prior Learning Portfolio Development
- CG 209 Job Finding Skills
- CG 225 Transfer to a Four Year College
CAS 108 Beginning Photoshop
CAS 109 Digital Presentations
CAS 121 Beginning Keyboarding
CAS 122 Keyboarding for Speed and Accuracy
CAS 123 Production Keyboarding
CAS 134 Introduction to Google Drive
CAS 140 Beginning Databases
CAS 170 Beginning Spreadsheets using Excel
CAS 181 Web Content Management
CAS 208 Intermediate Photoshop
CAS 216 Beginning Word
CAS 217 Intermediate Word
CAS 230 Design Principles
CAS 231 Desktop Publishing
CAS 246 Integrated Computer Projects
CAS 270 Intermediate Spreadsheets using Excel
CT 100 Building Layout
CT 102 Residential Concrete
CT 103 Building Materials and Methods
CT 104 Floor Framing
CT 105 Wall and Ceiling Framing
CT 106 Roof Framing
CT 110 Electrical Basics
CT 111 Plumbing Basics
CT 112 Basic Stair Construction
CT 113 Deck Building
CT 114 Windows and Interior Doors
CT 115 Interior and Exterior Finishes
CT 221 Advanced Materials and Methods
CT 222 Commercial Concrete
CT 223 Fences, Handrails and Gates
CT 230 Roofing and Siding
CT 231 Sheetrock/Drywall Basics
CT 232 Flooring Basics
CT 233 Green Building Materials and Methods
CT 241 Hardware, Adhesives, Sealants & Flashings
CT 242 Estimating Materials & Labor
CT 243 Prints, Drawings and Plans
ECE 101 Exploring the ECE Field
ECE 120 Introduction to Early Childhood Education
ECE 121 Guidance & Classroom Management: Birth to Age 8
ECE 122 Environments & Curriculum: Birth to Age 8
ECE 124 Anti-Bias Practices
ECE 126 Early Childhood Development: Birth to Age 8
ECE 130A Practicum Orientation
ECE 130B Practicum Seminar 1
ECE 130C Practicum Seminar 2
ECE 134 Practicum 1
ECE 135 Practicum 2
ECE 177 Multi-age Groups
ECE 179 Child Portfolios in ECE
ECE 185 Field Trips in Early Childhood
ECE 187 Cooking Experiences for Young Childhood
ECE 188 Block Play and Woodworking for Young Children
ECE 200 Professionalism & Advocacy
ECE 221 Observation, Documentation & Assessment
ECE 222 Resilience & Wellness for Educators
ECE 223 Supporting Dual Language Learners: Birth to Age 8
ECE 232 S.T.E.A.M: Birth to Age 8
ECE 234 Inclusion of Children with Special Needs
ECE 235 Art, Music & Movement: Birth to Age 8
ECE 236 Language and Literacy in Early Childhood Education
ECE 237 Trauma-Informed Care and Education: Birth to Age 8
ECE 238 Administration of ECE Programs
EET 111 Electrical Circuit Analysis 1
EET 112 Electrical Circuit Analysis 2
EET 113 Electrical Circuit Analysis 3
EET 141 Motor Control
EET 180 Industrial Computing
EET 219 Programmable Logic Controllers
EET 221 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 1
EET 231 Semiconductor Devices and Circuits 2
EET 251 Digital Electronics 1: Programmable Logic Devices
EET 252 Digital Electronics 2: Programmable Logic Devices
EET 273 Industrial Control
EMS 100 Introduction to Emergency Medical Services
EMS 105 EMT Part I
EMS 106 EMT Part II
EMS 115 Crisis Intervention
EMS 116 Intro to Emergency Medical Rescue
EMS 120 Emergency Medical Services: First Responder
EMS 210 Paramedic Part 1
EMS 211 Paramedic Part 2
EMS 212 Paramedic Part 3
EMS 220 Paramedic Lab 1
EMS 221 Paramedic Lab 2
EMS 222 Paramedic Lab 3
EMS 231 Paramedic Clinical 1
EMS 232 Paramedic Clinical 2
EMS 270 Paramedic Capstone Internship
ENG 104Z Introduction to Fiction
ENG 105Z Introduction to Drama
ENG 106Z Introduction to Poetry
ENG 195 Film Studies: Film as Art
ENG 203 Introduction to Shakespeare
ENG 213 Latin American Literature
ENG 214 Literature of the Pacific Northwest
ENG 222 Images of Women in Literature
ENG 237 American Working Class Literature
ENG 240 Native American Literature
ENG 244 Asian American Literature
ENG 250 Introduction to Folklore and Mythology
ENG 253 Survey of American Literature to 1865
ENG 254 Survey of American Literature from 1865 to Present
ENG 257 African American Literature
ENG 260 Introduction to Women Writers
HST 104 History of the Middle East
HST 110 World History I: Ancient to Medieval
HST 111 World History II: Medieval to Modern
HST 112 World History III: Early Modern to Present
HST 201 History of the United States 1840
HST 202 History of the United States 1840-1914
HST 203 History of the United States 1914 to Present
HST 218 American Indian History
HST 225 History of Women, Sex and the Family
HST 240 Oregon History
HST 260 Conspiracy Theories, Secret Societies and Historical Controversies
HST 270 History of Mexico
MFG 150 Manufacturing Processes
MFG 151 Fabrication Processes 1
MFG 152 Fabrication Processes 2
MFG 155 Blueprint Reading
MFG 156 Integrated Manufacturing 1
MFG 157 Integrated Manufacturing 2
MFG 195 Welding Technology I
MFG 201 Tube and Pipe Fabrication 1
MFG 202 Tube Fabrication
MFG 203 Pipe Fabrication and Welding
MFG 210 Introduction to Computer Aided Design and Tolerancing
MFG 211 CAD Design for CNC Manufacturing 1
MFG 212 CAD Design for CNC Manufacturing 2
MFG 220 Production Manufacturing 1
MFG 221 Production Manufacturing 2
MFG 222 Production Manufacturing 3
MFG 280 Aluminum GTAW/TIG Welding
MFG 281 Aluminum GTAW/TIG Fabrication Processes 1
MFG 282 Aluminum GTAW/TIG Fabrication Processes 2
MFG 285 Stainless Steel GTAW/TIG Welding
MFG 286 Stainless Steel GTAW/TIG Fabrication 1
MFG 287 Stainless Steel GTAW/TIG Fabrication 2
MFG 290 Student Production Manufacturing Lab
MTH 65 Beginning Algebra
MTH 95 Intermediate Algebra
MTH 95L Corequisite for Intermediate Algebra
MTH 98 Quantitative Math
MTH 105L Corequisite for Math in Society
MTH 105Z Math in Society
MTH 110 Technical Math
MTH 111L Corequisite for Precalculus I: Functions
MTH 111Z Precalculus I: Functions
MTH 112Z Precalculus II: Trigonometry
MTH 140 Mathematics of Games
MTH 211 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics I
MTH 212 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics II
MTH 213 Foundations of Elementary Mathematics III
MTH 251 Calculus I
MTH 252 Calculus II
MTH 253 Calculus III
MA 110 Medical Office Communications and Professionalism
MA 114 Electronic Health Records
MA 115 Digital Health & Patient Care
MA 117 Medical Office Administrative Procedures
MA 125 Medical Office Clinical Procedure
MA 126 Medical Office Diagnostic Procedures
MA 130 Body Systems, Diseases, and Drug Treatments
MA 170 Admin Practicum
MA 270 Clinical Practicum
NRS 110 Foundation of Health Assessment and Health Promotion
NRS 111 Foundations of Nursing in Chronic Illness I
NRS 112 Foundations of Nursing in Acute Care I
NRS 221 Nursing in Chronic Illness II and End-of-Life Care
NRS 222 Nursing in Acute Care II and End-of-Life Care
NRS 224 Integrative Practicum
NRS 234 Pathophysiological Processes for Nursing 1
NRS 235 Pathophysiological Processes for Nursing 2
NRS 236 Pathophysiological Processes for Nursing 3
NRS 237 Clinical Pharmacology for Nursing 1
NRS 238 Clinical Pharmacology for Nursing 2
NRS 239 Clinical Pharmacology for Nursing 3
PSY 101 Psychology and Human Relations
PSY 201Z Introduction to Psychology I
PSY 202Z Introduction to Psychology II
PSY 213 Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 214 Introduction to Personality
PSY 215 Human Development
PSY 216 Social Psychology
PSY 222 Family & Intimate Relationships
PSY 231 Human Sexuality I
PSY 232 Human Sexuality II
PSY 239 Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
TA 101 Theater Appreciation
TA 111 Fundamentals of Technical Theater
TA 141 Fundamentals of Acting Techniques
TA 144 Improvisational Theater
TA 148 Movement for the Stage
TA 180A Theater Rehearsal and Performance
TA 180B Theater Rehearsal and Performance
TA 180C Theater Rehearsal and Performance
TA 180D Theater Rehearsal and Performance
TA 274 Theater History
WT 101 Introduction to Web Design & Development
WT 102 Social Media Marketing
WT 105 Writing for the Web
WT 106 Intro to HTML for Designers
WT 180 Search Engine Optimization
WT 181 Digital Marketing Strategies
WT 200 Web Trends
WT 206 Web Design with HTML
WT 213 Cascading Styles Sheets
WT 215 JavaScript and jQuery
WT 225 Database Theory and MySQL
WT 235 Graphic Design
WR 102 Introduction to Creative Writing
WR 115 Introduction to Expository Writing
WR 121L Corequisite for Composition I
WR 121Z Composition I
WR 122Z Composition II
WR 123 Research Writing
WR 227Z Technical Writing
WR 240 Creative Writing - Nonfiction
WR 241 Creative Writing - Fiction
WR 242 Creative Writing - Poetry
WR 243 Creative Writing - Script Writing
WR 244 Advanced Creative Writing - Fiction
WR 245 Advanced Creative Writing - Poetry
WR 246 Advanced Creative Writing - Editing and Publishing
WR 247 Advanced Creative Writing - Script Writing
WR 248 Advanced Creative Writing - Nonfiction