Course Number:
BI 122
Transcript Title:
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology II
Jul 26, 2022
Jun 29, 2023
Total Credits:
Lecture Hours:
Lecture / Lab Hours:
Lab Hours:
Satisfies Cultural Literacy requirement:
Satisfies General Education requirement:
Grading Options
A-F, P/NP, Audit
Default Grading Options
Repeats available for credit:

BI 121

Course Description

Surveys the endocrine, lymphatic, cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary, and some coverage of human development, human genetics, and immunology. Lecture discussions are complemented by laboratories which include physiological exercises, dissections, microscopy, and multimedia. Prerequisites: BI 121. Audit available.

Course Outcomes

Upon successful completion students will be able to:

  1. Apply concepts and knowledge of the general terminology, cell structure and function, histology, gross anatomy, and physiology related to the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems to novel technical and/or clinical scenarios.
  2. Research and critically evaluate various sources of information related to these systems in order to discern reliable scientific information from unsourced information and “pseudo science”.
  3. Communicate information related to these systems through written, verbal, or multimedia formats in order to assess current knowledge, answer investigative questions, and explore new questions for additional research.
  4. Evaluate information on human health and medical research as to its social, environmental, and ethical implications as part of responsible citizenship.
  5. Use scientific laboratory equipment in order to gather and analyze data on human anatomy and physiology.

Alignment with Institutional Learning Outcomes

1. Communicate effectively using appropriate reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. (Communication)
2. Creatively solve problems by using relevant methods of research, personal reflection, reasoning, and evaluation of information. (Critical thinking and Problem-Solving)
3. Extract, interpret, evaluate, communicate, and apply quantitative information and methods to solve problems, evaluate claims, and support decisions in their academic, professional and private lives. (Quantitative Literacy)
4. Use an understanding of cultural differences to constructively address issues that arise in the workplace and community. (Cultural Awareness)
5. Recognize the consequences of human activity upon our social and natural world. (Community and Environmental Responsibility)

To establish an intentional learning environment, Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) require a clear definition of instructional strategies, evidence of recurrent instruction, and employment of several assessment modes.

Major Designation

  1. The outcome is addressed recurrently in the curriculum, regularly enough to establish a thorough understanding.
  2. Students can demonstrate and are assessed on a thorough understanding of the outcome.
    • The course includes at least one assignment that can be assessed by applying the appropriate CLO rubric.

Minor Designation

  1. The outcome is addressed adequately in the curriculum, establishing fundamental understanding.
  2. Students can demonstrate and are assessed on a fundamental understanding of the outcome.
    • The course includes at least one assignment that can be assessed by applying the appropriate CLO rubric.

Suggested Outcome Assessment Strategies

Course outcome assessment will be achieved using a combination of the following: case studies, group projects, individual projects, quizzes, tests, in class activities, laboratory activities, presentations, and journals.

Course Activities and Design

The determination of teaching strategies used in the delivery of outcomes is generally left to the discretion of the instructor. Here are some strategies that you might consider when designing your course: lecture, small group/forum discussion, flipped classroom, dyads, oral presentation, role play, simulation scenarios, group projects, service learning projects, hands-on lab, peer review/workshops, cooperative learning (jigsaw, fishbowl), inquiry based instruction, differentiated instruction (learning centers), graphic organizers, etc.

Course Content

  1. Endocrine System
    1. Identify the hormones and glands of the human endocrine system
    2. Define hormone
    3. Describe the synthesis, storage, and release, and function of human hormones
    4. Outline the mechanism(s) for hormonal feedback
    5. Explain the role of the endocrine system in homeostasis of the human body
    6. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the endocrine system
  2. Cardiovascular System
    1. Identify the major components of the human cardiovascular system
    2. Describe the function(s) of the major components of the human cardiovascular system
    3. Differentiate between systemic, pulmonary, and cardiac circulation
    4. Outline the steps in blood clotting
    5. Discuss the production, regulation, and function of blood components
    6. Differentiate between the types of blood vessels
    7. Describe the control of blood pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, and blood volume
    8. Describe the heart conduction system
    9. Explain the role of the cardiovascular system in homeostasis of the human body
    10. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the cardiovascular system
  3. Lymphatic System
    1. Describe the function(s) of the human lymphatic system
    2. Identify the components of the human lymphatic system
    3. Correlate the cardiovascular and lymphatic systems
    4. Explain the role of the lymphatic system in homeostasis of the human body
    5. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the lymphatic system
  4. Respiratory System
    1. Identify the principle components of the human respiratory system
    2. Describe the major function(s) of the principle components of the human respiratory system
    3. Explain the processes of gas exchanges in the respiratory system
    4. Describe the relationship between the respiratory and cardiovascular systems
    5. Describe the regulatory mechanisms of the respiratory system
    6. Explain the role of the respiratory system in homeostasis of the human body
    7. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the respiratory system
  5. Digestive System
    1. Identify the principle components of the human digestive system
    2. Explain the function(s) of the principle components of the human digestive system
    3. Describe the processes involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and elimination of organic molecules
    4. Understand the process of cellular respiration
    5. Discuss the role(s) of enzymes and hormones in the digestive process
    6. Explain the role of the digestive system in homeostasis of the human body
    7. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the digestive system
  1. Urinary System
    1. Identify the principle components of the human urinary system
    2. Describe the major function(s) of the principle components of the human urinary system
    3. Discuss the formation of urine
    4. Describe the regulatory mechanisms of the urinary system
    5. Explain the role of the urinary system in homeostasis of the human body
    6. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the urinary system
  2. Reproductive System
    1. Identify the principle components of the male and female human reproductive system
    2. Describe the major function(s) of the principle components of the male and female human reproductive system
    3. Outline the steps in gametogenesis in males and females
    4. Discuss regulatory mechanisms in male and female reproductive systems
    5. Explain the role of the reproductive system in homeostasis of the human body
    6. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the reproductive system
  3. Genetics
    1. Outline the mechanisms of inheritance in humans
    2. Discuss patterns of transmission in human heredity
    3. Describe diseases/disorders associated with human heredity
  4. Development
    1. Describe the stages of human embryonic development
  5. Immunology
    1. Identify the principle components of human immunity
    2. Differentiate between humoral and cellular immunity
    3. Describe the major function(s) of the principle components of the human immune system
    4. Explain the role of the immune system in homeostasis of the human body
    5. Describe diseases/disorders associated with the immune system

Department Notes

Columbia Gorge Community College Science Department stands by the following statement about regarding science instruction:

Science is a fundamentally nondogmatic and self-correcting investigatory process. Theories (such as biological evolution and geologic time scale) are developed through scientific investigation and are not decided in advance. As such, scientific theories can be and often are modified and revised through observation and experimentation. “Creation science," “Intelligent design” or similar beliefs are not considered legitimate science but a form of religious advocacy. This position is established by legal precedence (Webster v. New Lenox School District #122, 917 F. 2d 1004).

The Science Department at Columbia Gorge Community College therefore stands with organizations such as the National Association of Biology Teachers in opposing the inclusion of pseudo-sciences in our science curricula except to reference and/or clarify its invalidity.