Web Trends
- Course Number:
- WT 200
- Transcript Title:
- Web Trends
- Created:
- Aug 16, 2022
- Updated:
- Jul 17, 2023
- Total Credits:
- 1
- Lecture Hours:
- 0
- Lecture / Lab Hours:
- 20
- Lab Hours:
- 0
- Satisfies Cultural Literacy requirement:
- No
- Satisfies General Education requirement:
- No
- Grading Options
- A-F, P/NP, Audit
- Default Grading Options
- A-F
- Repeats available for credit:
- 0
Course Description
Identifies trends in web design and development, and explores limitations and opportunities for developing web applications on tablets and mobile devices such as cell phones. Explores the history of web design, the migration from static text pages to multimedia and cloud computing, and how different browsers and devices render web pages and content. Recommended: CAS 133 or equivalent file management and word processing experience. Prerequisite: WT 101. Audit Available.
Course Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- Recognize and identify trends and fads in web design and web development, from a current and historical perspective.
- Identify current software and technology tools that may be useful in the growing fields of web design and web development.
- Evaluate web technologies for usability and portability to different platforms.
- Assess different trends in order to evaluate evolving career opportunities
Suggested Outcome Assessment Strategies
The determination of assessment strategies is generally left to the discretion of the instructor. Here are some strategies that you might consider when designing your course: writings (journals, self-reflections, pre writing exercises, essays), quizzes, tests, midterm and final exams, group projects, presentations (in person, videos, etc), self-assessments, experimentations, lab reports, peer critiques, responses (to texts, podcasts, videos, films, etc), student generated questions, Escape Room, interviews, and/or portfolios.
Course Activities and Design
The determination of teaching strategies used in the delivery of outcomes is generally left to the discretion of the instructor. Here are some strategies that you might consider when designing your course: lecture, small group/forum discussion, flipped classroom, dyads, oral presentation, role play, simulation scenarios, group projects, service learning projects, hands-on lab, peer review/workshops, cooperative learning (jigsaw, fishbowl), inquiry based instruction, differentiated instruction (learning centers), graphic organizers, etc.
Course Content
Outcome #1: Recognize and identify trends and fads in web design and web development, from a current and historical perspective.
- Historical trends and fads.
- <table> structures
- Evolution of protocols; coding, scripting and markup languages: HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP
- 3-dimensional designs, buttons and gradients
- Subsequent move away from 3-D to modern flat designs
- Minimalistic designs
- Brutalism
- Visual design elements:
- Web banners, video background headers
- Evolution of browsers: Archie, WorldWideWeb, Gopher system, Line Mode Browsers, Netscape, Opera, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome
- Evolution of Search Engines: Lycos, Veronica, Yahoo, Safari
- W3C.org
- Webhosting: Geocities
- Introduction of E-Commerce: Amazon.com, Ebay
- The impact of fads on Usability
- Current trends
Outcome #2: Identify current software and technology tools that may be useful in the growing fields of web design and web development.
- Adobe Suite
- Code and text editors
- Web application frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Django and Angular
Outcome #3: Evaluate web technologies for usability and portability to different platforms.
- PC/Mac applications versus mobile apps and portability between these different devices and browsers
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
- Domain Name registration
- Hosting
- FTP Information
Outcome #4: Assess different trends in order to evaluate evolving career opportunities.
- Cybersecurity
- Social media platforms
- Mobile Technology
Suggested Texts and Materials
- Subscribe to and follow Google digests
- Follow BrightEdge
- Subscribe to industry magazines such as Search Engine Watch
- A History of the Internet and the Digital Future
- How the Internet Happened