Syllabus Resource Page
Resources and templates for instructors to create syllabi
Syllabus Content Checklist
A downloadable Word doc version is available at the link above (Syllabus Content Guide).
Syllabi should be designed and formatted for readability, including effective use of bold type, headings, and font. Submit a copy of your syllabi to the Instructional Services office prior to the start of each term.
I. Introductory Information
- college name and address (Footer)
- course information
- course title
- course number
- number of credits
- term and year
- meeting times and location
- instructor information
- name
- office location and/or availability
- contact information (phone ext., email address)
Optional Elements
- directions to class
- time/day instructor checks messages
II. Course Description, Pre-requisites, & Course Content
- course description (from CCOG)
- learning outcomes for the course (from CCOG)
- Appropriate institutional learning outcomes from CCOG (General Education Courses Only)
Optional Elements
- skills & competencies that students will develop
III. Instructional Materials, Resources
- required textbooks or Open Education Resources
- optional textbooks, if applicable
- resources reserved in the library, if applicable
- supply, software, or equipment lists, if applicable
Optional Elements
- supplemental reading list
- campus resources: tutoring, technical support availability, labs, student services, ASPCC
- link to Moodle shell
IV. Classroom Expectations
- attendance, absences, & tardiness expectations
- missed assignments/exams & ‘make-up’ policy
Optional Elements
- personal teaching philosophy
- clear guidelines for testing & student work (i.e. open book, student collaboration, tardiness)
- class ground rules for maintaining a positive learning environment
V. Assessment and Grading
- types of graded activities (how learning will be assessed)
- what criteria or standards will be used to grade assignments
- specific weighting of assignments toward the final grade
- description of major assignments and activities (projects, essays, exams, etc.)
- tentative schedule including due dates
Optional Elements
- scoring guidelines (rubric, portfolio, etc.)
- specific assignment guidelines
- links between learning activities and intended outcomes for the course
- style manual to use for assignments
- extra credit policy, if any
VI. Policies
- CGCC policy statements including safety policy
- Safety Statement: (As applicable)
Instructors of classes in which safety training is necessary, such as science labs, art classes, health occupations classes, and construction classes, should include safety- training statements within their syllabi.
Policy Statements
A downloadable Word doc version is available at the link above (Syllabus Content Guide).
Students are expected to be honest and ethical in their academic work. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism. All work submitted in this course is to be your own new, original work written in response to the assignments. Consciously or unknowingly presenting the ideas or writings of others as your own will result in academic sanctions that may include a grade of F for the assignment or for the class and possible institutional sanctions including suspension or expulsion. See the Student Handbook. .
CGCC is committed to providing support to students with disabilities. Students requesting assistance related to a disability should contact the Student Support Services Coordinator at (541) 506-6046 or by email at as early in the term as possible for information and assistance regarding accommodations.
711 Relay. For more information, visit
It is the policy of Columbia Gorge Community College and its Board of Education that there will be no discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, color, sex, marital status, national origin, religion, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, and any other status protected by applicable local, state, or federal law in any educational programs, activities, or employment.
The course content and requirements may be adjusted in response to institutional, weather, or class situations as needed, with adequate notice to students.
Requests for accommodations must be made during the first week of the course by submitting in writing the dates of observances.
Columbia Gorge Community College is dedicated to building and fostering a global, positive learning environment where individual differences are welcomed, appreciated, and respected. CGCC respects the expression of diverse perspectives, abilities, interests and backgrounds, understanding that these will strengthen our ability to collaborate effectively and to solve complex challenges. The college provides equal access to and opportunity in our academic programs and facilities.
If you or a fellow student do not have reliable access to food or other essential needs, or if personal concerns are interfering with success, there are resources and counseling services available through CGCC's Support Services. For information, please contact Shayna Dahl at 541-506-6046;, or visit