Wildfire Watch - apps and websites to keep us informed.

The combination of hot weather, summer lightning, and the gusty winds in the gorge create an environment where fires are likely and the situation can go from bad to worse to even-worse-than-that in a matter of minutes. 

Where is the best place for up-to-the-minute information in our region?

During the Microwave Tower Fire and the Larch Mountain Fire this summer, the Wasco County Sheriff Facebook page was a great source, but what about those of us who don't do Facebook? 

The sites we linked to earlier this week were The Oregonian's wildfire map and  AirNow.gov's air quality report, which have been good sources, but we found a few more specific options we like. 


Watch Duty is a nonprofit organization dedicated to tracking wildfires, with a website, iPhone/iPad app, and Android app to stay current. 


If you're looking to follow the wind, Windy.com is a great resource, also with iOS and Android apps. 

Do You Need Assistance?

Students: Contact Marco Beitl (mbeitl@cgcc.edu) or Tiffany Prince (tprince@cgcc.edu)
CGCC employees: Contact Courtney Judah (cjudah@cgcc.edu) or Brenda Garcia Lua (bgarcialua@cgcc.edu).

If you are negatively impacted, please take care of yourselves, your families, and your friends! 
If you need help, please don't hesitate to reach out!