Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
The Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (LSAMP) is dedicated to supporting the success of underrepresented students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) majors. With support from the National Science Foundation and Portland State University (PSU) the program provides opportunities for LSAMP students at PSU or for CGCC students who intend to transfer to PSU. LSAMP participants can meet like-minded peers and receive support from the community to achieve their academic, personal, and professional goals.
Columbia Gorge Community College students who plan to transfer to Portland State University and major in a STEM degree will receive individual support in their transfer process and continuous support throughout their time at PSU by working with a PSU LSAMP staff member. Once participants transfer to or co-enroll with PSU, they will have access to the LSAMP Center and even more program supports.
LSAMP Program Requirements:
Must be a student on a STEM track (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or architecture)
Must be a student planning to transfer to or co-enroll at Portland State University
Must be from a historically underrepresented background, including: African American/Black, Native American, Latino/a/x, Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander
For more information about the LSAMP program, please visit the PSU LSAMP website. For any other questions, email LSAMP Community College Liaison Andres Herrejon Chavez
Interested in applying for the LSAMP program? Let us know here