Programs for High School Students

Dual-credit programs are designed to help students who are still in high school. CGCC collaborates with both Washington and Oregon public high schools as well as home school and charter school programs.

Want to know more? View the following slideshow:

CGCC Dual Credit Programs Overview 

CGCC Programs

Students               Parents/Guardians               High School Teachers/CGCC Staff

College Now is a dual credit/dual enrollment program that, through the coordination of Columbia Gorge Community College and local high schools, offers high school students the opportunity to earn transferable college credits while taking certain approved high school classes. High school instructors meet college faculty qualifications and students’ skills must be appropriate to the college-level work. 

  • Students can find registration guides and more on our College Now page.
  • Parents can find answers to frequently asked questions and more on the Parents/Guardians page.
  • Teachers interested in offering dual credit courses can find more information on our Faculty College Now page.

The Early College Program is typically funded by the high schools through Expanded Options (Oregon) and Running Start (Washington) funding, but families can inquire about this program outside of this funding. Please see the college’s website or call Student Services for more information. All students must meet with a CGCC advisor prior to registration. Early College is a great way for students to get a head start on college coursework while still in high school.

2022-23 Expanded Options Student Handbook

Expanded Options is a program for Oregon high school students. Students should consult a counselor at their high school for eligibility requirements and program information.

Students can also contact Student Services at or (541) 506-6011, option 2 for more information.

Running Start is a program for Washington high school students. Students should consult a counselor at their high school for eligibility requirements and program information.

Students can also contact Student Services at or (541) 506-6011, option 2 for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please contact with an explanation of the issue. If you are missing a specific class, please provide the teacher's name, the approximate date of the class, and any other relevant information.

Former dual credit students do not need to re-apply, but they must meet with an advisor before registering for degree-seeking classes. Visit the CGCC Advising page for more information. 

If you are asking a general question about a dual credit program, please email: 

If you are asking a specific question about a dual credit student, CGCC employees cannot typically share that information. Federal law (FERPA) requires CGCC to hold education records confidential unless the student signs a release or other specific requirements are met. This includes students under 18 years of age. You can read more about FERPA here.

If you have questions about FERPA, or a request for information about a student, send it to Jared Dill, Director of Enrollment Systems.

Get in touch!

Ashley Beardmore

Dual Credit Coordinator