
I love writing, reading, and the power inherent in critical thinking -- especially in regards to social and environmental justice. I completed my undergraduate and graduate studies at The Evergreen State College, where I studied writing, sustainable agriculture, Spanish, and critical pedagogy. From there, I moved south and taught writing and reading at Portland Community College for five years. Now at CGCC, I couldn't be happier. With amazingly brilliant students and colleagues, I feel like I have come home. I not only love what I do, but love where I work and live. I have been inspired by many, but I love the writing of Jhumpa Lahiri, Junot Díaz, bell hooks, Mary Oliver, Terry Tempest Williams, and Sherman Alexie (among many, many amazing authors). When I'm not teaching you can find me hiking with my sweet pup, Junie, or cooking, or procrastinating on my own writing, or curled up reading, or even playing my fiddle. I strongly believe in the transformative power of education, the transcendent power of kindness, tired lungs from long hikes, and side aches from belly laughter.


The Evergreen State College

Master of Arts in Teaching English Composition and Rhetoric

Bachelor of Arts in English, 2008